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CSE has extensive experience in management information systems, relational databases, communications and telemetry thus providing a comprehensive service to major environmental organisations.

CSE offers solutions in the design, engineering and supply of specialised furnace systems for industrial incineration plants, industrial process plants and municipal sludge incinerations, to industrial and municipal clients.


CSE Multiple Hearth Furnace is a full developed product which has established market recognition and product acceptance in municipal and industrial markets.

The multi hearth is extremely flexible making it highly advantageous for use in several thermal processing areas, including wastewater treatment, carbon regeneration, carbon activation, drying, roasting, calcining and reduction.


The fluid bed incinerator provides an environmentally sound method of reducing wastewater sludge, hazardous wastes and liquid wasters to a sterile, insert ash.

Typically the ash is approximately 5% of the volume of feed, significantly extending the life of existing landfill and reducing the cost of their operation.

CARBON AND ENERGY RECOVERY SYSTEMS Combined state-of-the-art carbonisation, activation, waste heat recovery and power generation technologies to provide a sustainable solution for production of wood lump charcoal, activated carbon and electricity.

The rotary kiln incinerator is a horizontally refractory lined steel chamber which rotates on a slight incline and is capable of incinerating a wide variety of hazardous and nonhazardous waste materials.

The rotary kiln can accept a wide variety of wastes such as containerised solids, bulk solids, drums, contaminated soils, spent catalysts, in addition to sludges and liquids.


Copyright © 2013 CSE Global Ltd.202 Bedok South Avenue 1, Building C, #01-21 Singapore 469332
CSE Global Ltd is a public listed company registered in Singapore Reg No. 198703851D.
The registered office is the address detailed above.