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We operate round-the-clock with a presence in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Our highly qualified engineers and experienced project managers work seamlessly across time zones to provide dedicated technical support and ensure timely and on-budget completion of projects.

At CSE, we take pride in our ability to deliver cost-effective quality solutions because we believe in nurturing long-term business relationships.

Many of our clients have been doing business with us for over a decade simply because they know that we understand them better than anyone else.

In short, we constantly work towards exceeding our client's expectations so that we can live up to our name, CSE - delivering Customer Satisfaction, Every time.

With a growing stable of international clients placing their confidence in us, we appreciate the importance of having a world-class quality management system across the whole organization.

In line with our global ambitions, we have adopted the ISO 9001 Quality Management System as certified by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) and DNV.

For Feedback / QA Related Enquiry : qahotline@cse-global.com


Copyright © 2013 CSE Global Ltd. 202 Bedok South Avenue 1, Building C, #01-21 Singapore 469332
CSE Global Ltd is a public listed company registered in Singapore Reg No. 198703851D.
The registered office is the address detailed above.